Meet Michael Murphy
Meet Michael Murphy
My name is Michael Murphy, I am one of the owners here at All Texas Insurance Brokers. I worked for 2 of the largest captive carriers for over 15 years serving customers here in the great state of Texas.
During this time, I realized that being able to give customer’s options where their insurance needs are concerned is just not possible in the captive market world. You are tied to that specific brand. I knew that becoming an Independent Agent would allow me to better serve my customers and their insurance needs. Opening my own independent agency just made sense.
Here’s a little bit about me. I have beenmarried to my wife for 28 years we have an awesome son, an incredible daughter and a grandson that is our pride and joy. I have loved the outdoorssince I was very young, whetherit’s fishing in our Southern Texas bay systems or hunting white tail deer in South Texas.
I am also very involved in our church with the men’s and children’s ministries.
I look forward to getting to know you and working with you to determine what your specific insurance needs are.